Meeting God in Human Form (Clothbound) – Rick M. Chapman
“Every religious and spiritual tradition has its notion of the Expected One – that Same Eternal Ancient One Who incarnates again and again and Whose return is anticipated today as the Christ, as the Maitreya Buddha, as the Imam Mahdi, as the Kalki “White Horse” Avatar. This book tells of my meeting in India with the most recent appearance of God as God-Man – Avatar Meher Baba – Whose Advent is so fresh that His Presence can yet be intensely experienced as if He were still physically present. But, as you will see, this story is not mine alone–it is for all who seek the Divine Beloved and who long to know how to love Him and realize Him as the Infinite Ocean of Love that, in Reality, He is.”
–Rick M. Chapman
292 pages, ISBN: 978-0-938914-07-5