Bug Consciousness, Drug Consciousness, and Flying Rug Consciousness
A fascinating story ranging from the hallowed halls of the Harvard Psychology Department to a hitchhiked journey to India resulting in a meeting with the leading spiritual authority of the Age. This book reveals how it all happened: how a few stoners and dopers and psychedelic frontiersmen, who were each and all spiritual aspirants in their own way, ended up provoking God in human form to shed divine light upon the subject of mind-altering drugs.
Dr. Goher, Baba’s personal doctor and close disciple, relayed this message regarding LSD personally given by Meher Baba. Dr. Allan Cohen has written an article specifically about cannabis here.
My Life with Meher Baba, The Avatar of the Age
Meherwan B. Jessawala
A collection of thoughts about what transpires when a seeker happens to come into the orbit of the Love of the Ancient One — God in human form as the Avatar, the Christ, the God-Man.
Avataric Advents
James H. McGrew
Original poetry written by Rick Chapman, a thief and a murderer, for in the poems contained herein he has stolen unabashedly from Hafiz and in so doing he has murdered the form of the ghazal. Yet in these “ghazaleros,” he conveys some slight sense of the mystical poetry of Hafiz and some feeling for the themes of Hafiz’s Inspiriation, Avatar Meher Baba, Who regarded Hafiz as His favorite poet.