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Meeting Meher Baba (Paperback) – Rick M. Chapman


I am publishing this excerpt from Meeting God in Human Form because so many readers of that book have confessed to me that they started it at the end. The end, of course, was the climax, the most remarkable and amazing opportunity to meet Avatar Meher Baba in Person during a period of one of His strictest seclusions in the final years of His lifetime. It is no surprise that a great number of people who know about Meher Baba would want to get to the “heart” of the matter immediately–to see what He said and what that meeting was like–while skipping the prelude to the meeting, which consisted of my arrival in India and my first couple of months there as a Fulbright Student.

So here it is: the Meeting and an epilogue to that Meeting, with no hors d’oeuvres, no soup, no pasta course or salad. This is the “meat and potatoes,” an account that will bear repeated reading not because I wrote it but because He said it–in my brief visit to His home at Meherazad, Meher Baba literally described in a few words the essence of the Spiritual Path, the crux of all mysticism and spiritual striving, the heart and soul of the quest for God-realization. Read it and weep–weep the tears of joy that can follow a personal meeting with God in Human Form, for it is my belief that Meher Baba designed my meeting to be shared with all who would come afterwards, all who could not be there to meet Him in the flesh of His Divine Avataric Form, all who might come to long to be in His Presence themselves. May this Meeting do for you what it has done for me, that is, create a growing longing to find the Lord of Love and to know Him and live for Him and with Him and ultimately to see Him as He really is, the One Reality, our own True Self, the Divine Beloved of the Divine Romance that is open to all but availed of by only a few.

90 pages, ISBN: 978-0-938914-32-7

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90 pages, ISBN: 978-0-938914-32-7